This is the traditional orthodontic treatment that many people first think of when they hear the word ‘braces’. In severe cases these stainless steel fixed appliances can be offered under the NHS or independently depending on the severity of the case.
However, we also offer aesthetic fixed appliances on a private basis which are virtually invisible. These are made from a special material designed to blend with your natural tooth colour so seamlessly that most people won’t even know you are wearing them.
These appliances are offered either on the NHS or privately and are often used to help correct your bite before we place fixed appliances.
In some cases a removable brace can be used on its own without needing fixed braces. Your dentist will know which treatment is best for you.
Functional appliances help promote/modify growth of the jaw, adapt the facial soft tissues and muscles to new positions, move whole groups of teeth simultaneously or change the angle of the teeth in patients under the age of 14.
If your teeth only require a minor adjustment, a series of clear, removable, wafer-thin aligners may be perfect for you.
These clear aligners are virtually invisible, easy to use and comfortable to wear. However, these are only offered on a private basis.
To avoid waiting lists and more flexible appointment times, you may want to consider the benefits of private treatment, which is available to all our patients.
Your dentist can answer any of your questions you may have and discuss our Dental Practice Treatment Plan to help you decide if private treatment is right for you.
Combined orthodontics & dental implant treatment
Orthodontic treatment
Orthodontic treatment
Orthodontic treatment
Combined orthodontics & bridges treatment
I never thought about straightening my teeth and I never thought I’d see such a difference after only a few weeks.
In the past braces had a reputation for being uncomfortable if not outright painful. However, times have changed and because of the advancements in technology and techniques, many patients now only feel the occasional minor aches and pains- if they feel any discomfort at all.
Your dentist will be able to discuss with you the procedure that is best for you and any pain management options available should you need them.
Though they may feel strange in your mouth at first many appliances and aligners are so thin they shouldn’t make any noticeable difference to the way you talk. However, should they affect your speech it will probably be only minor and go away quickly as you grow used to having the appliance in your mouth.
Having straight teeth can help prevent many health issues including tooth decay, gum disease, tooth loss, difficulty in chewing or speaking, abnormal wear to your tooth enamel and jaw problems.